Friday, May 20, 2011

The 2nd Station and Day 9 of Fasting

Day 9:

In my daily effort to spend some private time with God, I sometimes read the Stations of the Cross.  I've always felt compelled by the "Way of the Cross," because it helps me to put my own struggles in perspective. It makes me recall when Jesus said, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).  Essentially, I know that because Christ died for us, death, along with sin, struggles and suffering cannot conquer.  I personally need to remind myself of this fact, hence I mediate on the stations. 

This morning in my mediation on the Stations of the Cross, I focused intently on the Second StationJesus is Given His Cross.  The reflection stated:

          Jesus calls:  The life giving tree becomes the Cross for me.
                                For "Cursed is the one hung on a tree."
                                Life's tree for you is as different as it was for me; it
                                often appears as rejection in all areas of work and play.
                                However, it is the way to know how to love my Father more!

        I answer:       Jesus, I complain a great deal of all that is my tree of life
                              each day:

                               The traffic
                               My work
                               The boss
                               My spouse
                               My family
                               My friends

                              All these I know are the plan your Father has
                              for me!  I need you to help me remember
                              that all this, if I use love, patience and kindness,
                              can be the way to carry the tree of love,
                              instead of despair. Jesus in your cross you
                              patiently carried all of my everyday sufferings;
                              let me continue the same for love of you
                              so that others may hope in you.

Today's Fasting Prayer:
Dear Lord, help us to remember how you willingly accepted your cross with patient endurance.  Rather than resort to complaining, help us to carry our crosses and discern your will properly and with utter clarity, so we know what decisions we are to make.  Help us to love selflessly today Lord, even when the cross seems more than we can bare. 

Lord, also pour our your graces and healing of this generation and the future generations that are being born into this world.  Rid us of our sins of the flesh and purify our hearts and minds, so that they may be focused on living your message of love and passing this and a culture of life and light on, instead of one rooted in sinfulness and death.  Amen.

Vivona, Francis., J.C.L. (1994).  The Way of the Cross for Everyone. Autom:  Phoenix, AZ.


  1. Each persons cross is different, much like the cedar, pine or cypress. Yet sacred tradition says that wood from each of these trees could have been used for the cross of the crucified one.

    Embracing the cross is a difficult thing, prehaps if we think of it as the beautiful tree it might not be so difficult.

    Everyday is new.

    Thank you for this wonderful reflection. I'd like to read Vivona's "The Way of Cross for Everyone".

  2. Thank you,DG for your thoughtful comment. Everyone's cross is unique to their own circumstance. I will make you a copy of the Way of the Cross. I got if from the Franciscan group and I like how each station/reflections calls us to look at our everyday life and decisions we make. I think you would enjoy it. God bless.
